1) Better employee retention. Most agents who plan on quitting to take a better-paying job – such as janitor or migrant farm worker – will reconsider if given the freedom to handle calls naked.
2) Expanded recruiting reach. When seeking candidates for agent positions, you will no longer be limited to dropouts from just local high schools/colleges.
3) More flexible staffing/scheduling. Such immediate access to their workstation makes it easy for off-duty home agents to work odd shifts and to save managers’ butts after inaccurate forecasts.
4) Higher productivity and quality. The extra sleep and not having to suffer through rush-hour traffic enables home agents to stay focused and energized throughout the entire first half-hour of their shift.
5) Decreased facility expenses. You can grow the contact center without expanding walls, the parking lot, or the toilet paper budget.
6) Improved attendance. Absenteeism and tardiness will drop, assuming you select reliable agents who don’t suffer from long-distance sleepwalking.
7) Enhanced disaster recovery. No longer will road closures brought on by blizzards or Justin Bieber concerts bring employees and the contact center to a standstill.
8) Increased ability to tap “alternative” labor pools. Going virtual provides job opportunities to qualified candidates who might otherwise be unable to consider contact center work – e.g., individuals with physical disabilities, older workers, or people deathly afraid of cubicles and industrial carpet.
9) More environmentally responsible. Using home agents reduces vehicle pollution and gasoline/oil consumption; also conserves water since agents will no longer need to bathe, brush their teeth, wash their clothes or clean their wrist brace.
10) Improved call center aesthetics. You can rid the center of the least-attractive and worst-dressed agents without losing their valuable skills and experience.